These drawings are a part of a series. I am looking at the constantly changing shapes of crowds and those who move among and through a very public transit area with purpose and pattern. I refer to photographs after establishing the broader abstract shapes viewed from overhead. I work from the gesture to the squint. My thoughts mass and migrate across the surface the same way as the crowd, determining destinations; dreaming of detours. I use a reductive technique in charcoal and black conte. In this work, charcoal was rubbed onto the paper’s surface, and the image revealed by lifting or erasing the pastel. Erasers are my white chalk that chase the light.
These drawings are a part of a series. I am looking at the constantly changing shapes of crowds and those who move among and through a very public transit area with purpose and pattern. I refer to photographs after establishing the broader abstract shapes viewed from overhead. I work from the gesture to the squint. My thoughts mass and migrate across the surface the same way as the crowd, determining destinations; dreaming of detours. I use a reductive technique in charcoal and black conte. In this work, charcoal was rubbed onto the paper’s surface, and the image revealed by lifting or erasing the pastel. Erasers are my white chalk that chase the light.